Allsorts Youth Project have appointed Stephen Murtagh and Lucas Abedecain as Co-Presidents, leading on LGBT youth leadership and representation. Allsorts young person, Greg Cox has been appointed as Vice President.
Stephen Murtagh, Co-President, said:
“As a young person who started volunteering for Allsorts two years ago, the project has given so much to me personally. As I’ve grown closer to the project, the prospect of being able to champion fellow LGBT youth was too good of an opportunity. As co-president, I hope to use all the skills I’ve developed through volunteering with Allsorts to make a bigger impact on the rights of LGBT youth and make sure their voices are always heard as loudly as possible!”
Lucas Abedecain, added:
“Allsorts is an amazing project, and this year it is really pioneering itself as the biggest voice for positive representation of LGBT youth. As I’ve attended the drop-in and made new friends with other LGBT young people over the last two years, the opportunities to campaign passionately about LGBT issues have been brilliant.“With the launch of LGBT Children, Young People and Families Day on February 5 2013, as co-president i’ll be alongside the other young people in celebrating the achievements made for LGBT youth and looking forward to more campaigning.”
Jess Wood MBE, Project Director at Allsorts concluded:
“Allsorts works to develop leadership in young people and so we congratulates our new Presidents and Vice President on their new roles. We very much look forward to supporting them as our spokespeople in the city.
“Their work will involve running our LGBT youth forum, sitting on our management committee as trustees of the charity and leading all our promotional and campaigning around LGBT young people around their needs and their rights. In these areas, their voices will be invaluable and will shape the development of the project for the next year.”
Stephen and Lucas were officially appointed in their new roles as President and Young Trustees at the Allsorts Annual General Meeting which took place on Tuesday, November 27.
For more info about Allsorts and LGBT Children, Young People and Families Day view:
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