Cllr Lee Wares, the Conservative spokesperson on Environment, Transport & Sustainability accuses Labour and Green councillors of ignoring widespread resident and business concerns over the Valley Gardens stage 3 development.
Cllr Lee Wares, the Conservative spokesperson on Environment, Transport & Sustainability accuses Labour and Green councillors of ignoring widespread resident and business concerns over the Valley Gardens stage 3 development.
Brighton & Hove City Council agree to consider reducing trader permit charges. Conservative councillor Lee Wares asked the Council to consider reducing trader permit charges during the Council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee on January 22.
Local Conservative councillors in Withdean and Patcham, including Lee Wares and Geoffrey Theobald, have written to Liz Hobden, the Head of Planning at Brighton and Hove Council, listing 16 detailed objections to Varndean College’s plan to build on green space behind the college to create a luxury housing development.
Labour Councillors on Brighton & Hove City Council’s Licensing Committee used their votes last week to reject the Conservatives’ call for a wholesale review of the Council’s street trading policy. In response to concerns raised by local businesses, the Conservatives had previously tabled a request asking that the zones where street traders could operate be reviewed.
The Conservative spokesperson for Licensing in the city speaks out against Uber’s apparent disregard of the spirit of the commitment made by them to operate in Brighton and Hove when they were given their operators license.
At a meeting of the Brighton & Hove City Council Licensing Committee during the week, the Conservative Group secured a review of the Council’s policy towards the granting of licenses to mobile street traders.
Zoë Saldaña, star of Emilia Pérez, dedicates BAFTA to her trans nephewMonday February 17, 2025