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‘Your Voice Matters’ to improve mental wellbeing in the city

Want to have your say about health and social services in Brighton & Hove?

Cllr Rob Jarrett

Your views can help to develop a new city-wide happiness and mental wellbeing strategy for the city.

The event, ‘Your Voice Matters’ is being held at City College on Saturday, March 29 from 11am to 2pm by Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, the local independent watchdog for health and social care.

The event will also provide an opportunity to find out more about the role of Healthwatch Brighton & Hove and how to get involved

Brighton & Hove City Councillor Rob Jarrett, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board, said: ”This is one of a series of events to gather the views of local people to inform the council and the NHS in the development of a joint strategy, Happiness: Brighton & Hove Mental Wellbeing Strategy. We want to know what helps people to cope with the stresses of life today, and what could be better done to help everyone living in the city maintain healthy mental wellbeing.” 

Dr Christa Beesley, Chief Clinical Officer for the Clinical Commissioning Group, added: “Together with the council, we want to help create a city where people are supported in being happier and enjoying positive well-being. This might be through the arts and culture events on offer in the city or through the health services we provide which can help people when they are struggling with mental health conditions. That’s why we have joined together to find out how people in Brighton and Hove are feeling.”

There will be free refreshments and mini health checks on offer during the day, such as blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol levels. There will also be a Healthwatch Question and Answer Panel Session.

The event is free. 

For more information, CLICK HERE: 

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