Put something back into your local community by giving just a few hours of your spare time each week to Martlets Hospice in Hove.
VOLUNTEERS are urgently needed to help at the hospice’s nine charity shops and its Hove Warehouse and Distribution Centre.
You’ll meet lots of new and interesting people, it’s great fun plus you’ll get a fantastic feeling from doing something worthwhile for the city and its people.
Georgia Ellick from the hospice’s People Services Team said: “Everyone has a different reason for volunteering for Martlets, whether that’s a personal connection or they just want to help a local charity. We have people of all ages from all kinds of backgrounds; each bringing their individual experience, talents and enthusiasm.
“What is common to everyone is that they want to do something good for their local community; to feel like they’ve made a difference to someone’s well-being. That’s something that you really sense with every hour of time that you donate to Martlets – it’s really important to us, our patients and their families.
“We are a very warm and friendly team, so you’ll quickly feel like you’ve been here for years. Full training is given, and everyone is really supportive and will help you to find your feet in no time. If you feel this is something you might like to try, then why not sign-up for one of our Taster Days!”

Twenty-six-year-old Rebekka Turner volunteers once a week at the Martlets Vintage shop in Church Street.
She said: “It’s a varied role and I’ve learnt a lot that I know will help me in my career. I work on the till, sort the clothes and bric-a-brac, arrange displays and make plenty of tea and coffee!
“Everyone has been so very friendly and it’s such a lovely place to work. I’d encourage any of my friends to volunteer here because it really is a delightful role and it’s such a dynamic cause to be a part of.”

Val Persaud (79) has been volunteering for Martlets for more than twenty years. She’s worked in several of the hospice’s charity shops and has, for the last sixteen years, been helping behind the scenes in its warehouse with the important task of sorting up the clothes that have been donated.
She said: “I open up the bags and sort through the clothes as we receive them, hanging them up and steaming them so that they look lovely and are ready for the shops.
“I love volunteering, it’s something I’ve always done because it keeps me busy and active. I’m here three times a week and it takes me an hour to get here, on two different buses, so I must really enjoy it!
“I’ve made lots of friends whilst volunteering and I feel like I’m really doing something useful for the community. I love it.”
To find out more about volunteering for Martlets email: peopleservices@martlets.org.uk or call 01273 718788.
For more information about Martlets, click here:
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