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Sussex communities to benefit from crime cash

Sussex Police

Sussex Police has set up a grant scheme called Sussex Police Community Cashback which will put money raised from the proceeds of crime back into Sussex communities harmed by crime.

Local charities and community groups working in the community to reduce crime, the fear of crime and/or antisocial behaviour will be able to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to support their work.

Detective Chief Inspector Ali Eaton, said:

“This money was seized from criminals and criminal businesses during 2012-13 and we want to ensure it goes back into helping support people making a positive difference in our communities.”

The Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002 allows for a percentage of funds to be used to benefit the local community.


Sussex Community Foundation will administer the new scheme on behalf of the Police & Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable and all grant applications must be made through them.

Mary Carruthers, Grants manager at Sussex Community Foundation, said:

“There are Community Cashback grant schemes already operating successfully in Surrey and Hampshire, managed by the local police force in partnership with the community foundations in those counties. It’s a model that has been shown to work and so we are very excited to be working with Sussex Police on this.”

The deadline for the first round of applications to the Sussex Police Community Cashback Fund is Friday July 12 2013.

For more information or to download an application form, CLICK HERE: 

Or telephone Mary Carruthers on  01273 409440.

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