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BLAGSS tennis tournament attracts 36 players

BLAGSS tennis group held a round robin tennis tournament on Sunday August 11 at Hove Park Tennis Alliance, Hove Park with thirty six players taking part in doubles matches.

THE levels of the players ranged from tennis virgins to Park league standard. All matches were well grouped according to tennis standard which resulted in some excellent and exciting games.

The highest score of the round robin was achieved by Raffaela Kurz (ladies) and Matthew Morgan (mens).

BLAGSS tennis group is a sports and social group that has around 450 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members from across Brighton and Hove, Sussex and beyond.

BLAGSS members come in all different shapes, sizes, ages and abilities and participate in sports as varied as badminton, tennis, squash, golf, table tennis, running, tenpin bowling, football and cycling.

The tennis group was one of the original sports when BLAGSS started in 1997. It is a successful and friendly group with about 45 players in total who play tennis twice a week throughout the year, every Wednesday and Sunday from 11am to 1pm, weather permitting on the outdoor court at Hove Park tennis alliance.

They play short sets of doubles and some singles and then mix teams around with new partners and opponents so everyone gets variety, the chance to play against others of the same standard or higher.

John Moore

John Moore, the chair of BLAGSS, presented the trophies to the winners and runners ups, congratulating the winners and organisers of the tournament for putting on such a great event.

The day ended with a picnic for over 40 players and their friends. Apparently Paul’s egg and cress sandwiches went down a treat at the picnic. The organisers hope to hold the same event the weekend after Pride 2020.

BLAGSS supports the Sussex Beacon who recently promoted their various sports in a window display at the Sussex Beacon store on St. James Street in Kemptown. All BLAGSS members contributed donations to the store.

For information about BLAGSS tennis group or other sports, click here:

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