General News

New A Board Game All About Brighton

Besi Besemar November 8, 2013

BN1 board gameBN1 is a board game all about Brighton that sees 2-5 players diving into the quirks, strangeness and charm of this unique city.

How it’s played is up to you – follow the tourist trail, explore off the beaten track, discover local characters and celebrities, go shopping, look for parties and festivals or just sit in a park busking.

This is the 2nd edition of the game, and between now and Christmas every copy sold on the website will see £5 donated to FareShare Brighton & Hove, a community food organisation that provides for foodbanks around the city.

As this is the season for board games, organisers hope to generate funds at a time when the need for their services is at its greatest.

Makes an ideal Christmas present.

To purchase, CLICK HERE:

Available at outlets across Brighton and Hove also.