Lunch Positive has started a new initiative, building on its previous emergency food parcels given to people with HIV in financial crisis.
The Friday Pantry will offer a weekends worth of healthy food stocks for people until they are able to access more specialist support during the week ahead.
The charity will also offer advice on where to find financial and welfare advice and debt support, budgeting support, and referrals to food banks.
People can access the pantry service by contacting Lunch Positive, or if supported by other HIV organisations contacting them and be signposted or referred.
The service is being led by one of Lunch Positive’s volunteers Phil, who says: “At Lunch Positive we’ve met increasing numbers of people who find themselves in financial crisis, we really want to help and ensure no one should ever be deprived of food that they need. I’m really looking forward to getting The Friday Pantry off the ground and supporting our community.”

Gary Pargeter, Service Manager, added: “Even in our seemingly affluent city, food poverty still exists, and impacts hard on people with HIV and chronic illness. No one should be embarrassed about asking for support where it is provided and we hope people with HIV who are going hungry and in financial crisis will come to us if needed.
“The Pantry will help address these periods of crisis, and support people to find longer term help and solutions. We’d like to thank our many supporters who have helped stock the pantry including FareShare Sussex for ongoing food donations, BLAGSS, and Coop Funeral Care who raised a much-needed £210 to start-up the service.
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