Lloyd Russell-Moyle a member of LGBT Labour was overwhelming elected as Labour’s new District chair at a meeting at City College over ther weekend, attended by more than 250 people.

Lloyd replaces Nancy Platts, Labour’s candidate for Kemptown & Peacehaven at the last general election who had been appointed as the Labour Party’s Trade Union Liaison officer in Westminster.
Lloyd was born in Brighton and grew up in Lewes, where he attended the local primary school, comprehensive secondary and the FE college Sussex Downs. He worked nights at Tescos, the Rainbow Pub in Lewes (next to the law courts) and then East Sussex County Council before taking on work outside of the area.
In 2014 he stood for council in Lewes and then in 2015 for Parliament, doubling Labour’s vote in the Lewes constituency. Lloyd currently lives in Brighton Kemp Town and works in advocacy on youth and sustainable development.
Members present at the weekend meeting endorsed councillors ambitious plans for over 1500 new homes in the city.
Party members agreed to support councillors in the Labour administration who are setting a balanced budget whilst at the same time developing plans to campaign and confront the cuts the Conservative government is imposing on the city.
The meeting resolved that the spending cuts to local government were “politically motivated and not economically necessary”.
Following the meeting newly elected Chair, Lloyd Russell-Moyle said: “It was clear that the vast majority of members are united to take the campaign against Tory cuts into our local communities whilst recognising the hard work our councillors are doing in developing our city after years of neglect by other parties”.

Warren Morgan, Leader of Brighton & Hove Council, added: “I’m delighted that members are supporting our councillors and our ambitious plan for house building which will ensure 500 council houses and up to 2000 new homes offered at social rates, being truly affordable with rents no higher than 40% of income for those on minimum wage”.
The Labour Party in Brighton, Hove and District meets monthly at all member meetings where local wards, affiliated organisations and individual members put forward proposals for the party and discuss pressing issues with their elected representatives.
Next meeting will take place in the evening of the February 10, 2016 for discussions with potential Labour candidates for the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner elections to be held later this year.
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