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LGBT groups rally to support refugees

Lesbian and Gays Support the Migrants, join rally and march in Dover, to support refugees.

Over 300 campaigners gathered in Dover’s Market Square on Saturday, October 17 to show support for the plight of refugees and migrants; both in the UK; and those in Calais or traversing Europe escaping from mainly war-torn areas.

Joining them were contingents of refugee support and anti-racism groups from Brighton and London alongside Lesbians & Gays Support the Migrants who were enabled to travel to the event with a donation from the original LGSM (Miners support group) who celebrated their 30th anniversary last year and were featured in the movie Pride.

The event featured many members of the local and Kentwide Labour and Green Party’s, along with local refugee, anti-racism support and campaign groups and churches.

The demonstration swelled in size with the arrival of a large contingent of supporters from London and Brighton; and those who had also been holding a separate demonstration against cuts and fees.

Speakers called on the Government to open the borders, help the refugees and do far more to end the conflicts and environmental problems that are causing the movements of desperate people across Europe.

Speakers told of their visits to the Calais Jungle, taking food, clothing, and medical supplies and siting the dire situation for any human beings having to reside there.  They also all castigated the racist groups and media for their biased reporting about the migrants.

The groups then marched to the memorial on Dover seafront for the 58 Chinese migrants who died where flowers were laid and prayers said.  The march then continued to the entrance to Dover’s Eastern Docks for a final rally and speeches.


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