Site icon Scene Magazine – From the heart of LGBTQ+ Life

LETTER TO EDITOR: Pride in Pride!

Team Switchboard want to thank Brighton Pride for a fantastic event this weekend. The organisers deserve a huge thank you for managing an event of this year’s scale and we would like to thank Paul Kemp, Dulcie Weaver and the team for all their hard work.

THANKS too must go to the hundreds of volunteers who gave up their own Pride to make it an enjoyable and safe event for the thousands who attended. A special thank you to the volunteers of the LGBT Community Safety Forum for making the event accessible.

We know that Pride is a very different event from the Prides of yester-year and we know that it is not the event today that everyone wants it to be, but we were proud to be part of it.  Marching in the parade and seeing the thousands of spectators out in support, made us realise that in the UK we have come a long, long way.

We also thank the Rainbow Fund for its tireless fundraising at Pride and ensuring that money made will be given to support the many LGBT+ and HIV charities and community groups in this great City.  This really is a unique aspect of Brighton Pride and is something that we must celebrate and acknowledge that without this support, many of our local LGBT services would disappear.

A big thank you Pride and here’s to 2019!

Daniel Cheesman. CEO – Switchboard

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