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Kemptown MP keeps up pressure for a solution to Eaton Place surgery closure

Simon Kirby MP for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven travelled yesterday (December 11) to the Headquarters of NHS Surrey and Sussex in Horley to discuss the future of the Eaton Place surgery and GP provision in Kemp Town.

SImon Kirby MP for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven

HE MET with the Sussex area director and other members of NHS England, to discuss the future of the Eaton Place surgery and GP provision in Kemp Town.

Simon said: “I have been working continuously since the announcement about the retirement of the current GPs at Eaton Place Surgery and have been in correspondence with NHS England for many weeks on this issue, making numerous representations on behalf of local residents concerned about the potential loss of a GP surgery in our area.  Further to this I organised the face to face meeting with the Director of NHS England and some of her team to stress the need to resolve this issue.

“I have been in contact with concerned constituents and I am aware of how strong the feelings are in the area on this issue. I made this very clear to NHS England, urging them to do all they can to find a solution as soon as possible.”

He continued: “The meeting was very productive and I will continue to work with NHS England going forward to ensure adequate GP provision in the area.  There are still a number of hurdles to clear but I am cautiously optimistic that progress will be made and I will continue to work hard to do all I can to ensure the best possible solution is found and that disruption for patients is kept to an absolute minimum.”


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