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Flu vaccination uptake strong, but much more still to do

Public Health England

The latest flu vaccination figures from part way through the seasonal flu programme indicate many older people, pregnant women, people in at risk groups, and for the first time, 2 and 3 year old children, have been vaccinated to date as part of this season’s on-going flu vaccine campaign in preparation for the forthcoming winter flu season.

As of November 24 2013, the provisional proportion of people in England who had received the 2013/14 influenza vaccine in targeted groups were:

·   43.6% in under 65 years in a clinical risk group

·   34.0% in all pregnant women

·   67.0% in 65+ year old

From September 2013, all children aged two and three years are also being offered protection against flu, using a newly available nasal spray flu vaccine. This marks the first step in an extension to the national flu vaccination programme, which will eventually include yearly vaccination of all 2 to 16 year olds.

Current figures for flu vaccination uptake among children as of 24 November were:

·   34.1% in all 2 year olds

·   30.6% in all 3 year old

Preparation for winter flu started in September 2013 with a flu vaccination programme. A range of surveillance indicators are used to measure flu activity in the UK. At the moment these remain low across the UK, suggesting there is presently no evidence of community transmission of influenza.

Dr.Richard Peabody

Dr. Richard Pebody, a flu expert at Public Health England said:  “It is great to see so many people taking steps to protect themselves already this flu season, but it’s important everyone in the targeted groups consider getting vaccinated. Flu has not started to circulate yet and there is still time to take up the opportunity of vaccination.

“For most people influenza infection is just a nasty experience, but for some it can lead to illnesses that are more serious, including bronchitis and secondary bacterial pneumonia, which can be life threatening.

“Older people and those groups at risk of developing complications include people with weakened immune systems, as well as those with underlying conditions such as neurological disorders, liver, lung or renal disease, heart problems or diabetes, and pregnant women. Vaccination remains the best way to protect against the potential serious harm from flu this winter.”


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