The idea for a Sussex, UK, Dykes on Bikes® club was born following the first ever UK gay biker rally in the summer of 2011.

Club founder, Floss Bradley and Julie Mars who also attended the rally decided to start their very own Sussex, UK, Dykes On Bikes® chapter.
As a result, the club was started unofficially in November 2011 by the two officers and another rider formed the core of the new club. Group numbers have since fluctuated between 3 to 20 active riders and 70 members who occasionally join them for the odd ride on a nice day.
The club gained official Dykes on Bikes®, Sussex WMC status in January 2012, receiving their official back patches in June 2012.
Their biggest event of the year is Brighton Pride which forms part of the mother club’s values and presence is an obligation according to club rules. It is viewed as a privilege by members of the chapter to take part on the parade.
Their first appearance on the Brighton Pride parade was in 2013 when the chapter arrived with a bang, taking pole position on the parade.
A member commented: “It was a truly exhilarating experience, none of us will ever forget. Something we had worked towards for a very long time and finally, we’d made it.”
The chapter is also opening an invitation to other women riders (regardless of sexual orientation) for future parades to increase their roar at Pride. Anyone who wishes to participate in the Pride Parade should make contact with the chapter through their Facebook page. In the meantime, organisers continue to work with the Pride Committee to maintain the chapter’s visibility and involvement in the Pride celebrations, something members are all incredibility proud of.
What do Dykes on Bikes® actually do?
They take part in two very distinct scenes, the biker community scene and of course the LGBTQ scene, as well as creating their very own! They attend charity fundraisers organised by local MCs (motorcycle clubs) and have also run their own fundraisers.
They attend some annual big events like Brightona or the Ace Run, each attracting many thousands of bikers onto Brighton seafront.
On a smaller scale, they also attend Charity Toy Run rallies (100s of bikers) for Christmas toys/donation collections, participate in Stonewall equality events and support locally arranged Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex (LGBTQI) events where possible.
It’s not uncommon for members to get dressed up on the bikes for a good cause!
They organise their own social events including bowling, camping, dog walking, BBQs, theme park outings, go karting, dining and of course a variety of bike rides, varying from short 30mph town rides to long distance faster 70mph country rides. All dependent on the members’ capabilities.
All riders are welcome, from learner scooterists to seasoned Harley riders and anything else in between. They are an inclusive club and provide a fun and safe environment for LGBTQI folks from all walks of life.
Membership includes a wide cross-section of people with the oldest member being 70 and there are also some international members.
In August 2015, their latest President was elected. Raisy Stary, has injected fresh ideas and drive to place the only official UK chapter of Dykes on Bikes® firmly on the map.
She is working hard to increase the chapter’s visibility and further empower the group, with an increased social/internet presence, improved club goals/values and an increased membership!
They promote equality and diversity and pledge to provide a safe environment for women who identify as LGBTQI, broadening the means by which they can express equality through social activities. They aim to empower women by bringing together the male dominated biking community and female LGBTQI community in the hopes of educating and removing prejudice.
Their activities do not just benefit the biking community. They extend their social events and other activities to non-motorcycle enthusiasts throughout the UK and support and complement existing charities, promoting LGBTQI and lifestyle in a positive manner.
Dykes On Bikes® (DOB) is a worldwide phenomenon and one of the world’s most recognised Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) brands. It is one of the longest running women’s only motorcycle clubs in the world.
Dykes On Bikes was founded in San Francisco in 1976 and the name “Dykes On Bikes” was only recently successfully trademarked in the USA after a long legal battle heading all the way to the Supreme Court.
DOB Chapters exist all over the world including the USA, Australia, UK, Iceland and other locations throughout Europe with all Chapters being overseen by the mother club, the “San Francisco Dykes On Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent”.
Each Chapter runs independently and many have their own logo but essentially the reason for their existence is to provide an environment for lesbian and bi women to come together and enjoy their mutual passion of riding motorbikes.
They have joined the dots with their sister clubs worldwide, from which key relations have emerged.
One sister club, Queensland, has invited them to participate in the 2017 Sydney Mardis Gras ‘world renowned’ Pride celebration, which they are taking up!
The mother club in San Francisco is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year… and have invited riders to join them on the famous Market Street parade as they did all those years ago.
If you are interested in joining or supporting the club in any way, or just fancy a bit of vroom vroom, you can find them on Facebook.
For more information on the Sussex chapter, click here:
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