
Don’t You Want Me photographic project seeks subjects

Graham Robson June 27, 2019

Don’t You Want Me (DYWM), a global documentary photography project showcasing the beauty and resilience of LGBT+ people with their rescued dogs, seeks subjects to take part in the project.

CURRENTLY in Toronto, Canada and Brighton, DYWM couples compelling images and personal narratives, show that individuals of all stripes have the ability to transform their lives when they are given love and the question of ‘who rescued who’ becomes universal, no matter how you identify.

Jack Jackson, DYWM co-founder, said: “Why is this project important? The project shows what happens when LOVE is taken away – by discrimination, hate and ignorance – and how people flourish when it’s given back.

“For many reasons, queer people can end up living outside of the typical familial structure and it’s easy to see how dogs might provide that sense of family. Queer people simply need the same as everybody else – love, purpose and family. Many of our participants to date have been trans, and their stories are a powerful resilient previously silenced voice teaching society how discrimination and gender inequalities harm us all.”

To get involved, click here: