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Council refuse to hang new portrait of Mayor in Town Hall

A portrait of the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Brighton & Hove, Councillor Denise Cobb by Paul Tash Ostrer was unveiled last night at the Naked Eye Gallery in Hove.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Brighton & Hove with artist, Paul Tash Ostrer (left)

The portrait was commissioned and paid for by the Mayor who had hoped it would be hung in Brighton Town Hall. Unfortuanately she forgot to tell council officials who informed her last week in no uncertain terms that there were rules and processes to follow.

The Deputy Chief Executive of the Council, Paula Murray explained the problems in an email to The Mayor which included:

• There had been no discussion or agreement before the commission

• There had been no prior agreement about it being hung in Brighton Town Hall

• There would need to be some decision making process of some kind

• There would be a risk of precedent (every future Mayor might want one)

• There had been no information about “the nature content or quality of the portrait: hundreds of other local artists would “quite legitimately” ask why there was no proper tendering of the project

The Mayor is very disappointed and says she will work with fellow councillors and officers to try and resolve the situation, but in the meantime she said that the ruling from Ms Murray had “ruined her year in office”.

For the time being the portrait will not be getting hung in Brighton Town Hall in the near future, but you can see it at the Reflections exhibition of self portraits by Paul Tash Ostrer at the Naked Eye Gallery, 5 Farm Mews, Farm Road, Hove until January 31.

Paul Tash Ostrer

Opening times for The Naked Eye Gallery:

Monday – 10am-6pm
Tuesday – Closed
Wednesday – 10am-6pm
Thursday – 10am-6pm
Friday – 10am-6pm
Saturday – 10am-6pm
Sunday – 12pm-4pm

For more information about Naked Eye Gallery, CLICK HERE:






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