Artist and campaigner Vince Laws is presently oil painting a series of 100 named Sunflowers.

While working on the project, he heard the sad news that Debbie Jolly, co-founder of Disabled People Against Cuts (DCAP) had died.
Debbie’s family and friends have asked that donations be made to DPAC in Debbie’s memory, so they can carry on fighting.
Everyone making a donation via the ‘Donate’ button on DPAC’s website between November 24 and December 24 2016 will be entered into a free draw, and one random donor will win the painting. Those lovely people who make a regular monthly donation to DPAC will automatically be included in the draw.

“I’ve been protesting cuts and the treatment of disabled people for 6 years myself,” said Vince, “I know how hard it is to keep going, so it really hurts when one of our champions leaves the battlefield. Debbie was largely responsible for the recent UN report damning the Government’s abuse of people with disabilities. I’ve painted Debbie the Sunflower. It came to me as I was painting that I would offer this to help raise funds for DPAC.”
Vince will be showing Debbie the Sunflower and other work, including 4 DPAC protest paintings, at ‘Art of Norwich 46’, St Margaret’s Church of Art, St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, NR2 4AQ.
The launch will be on Sunday, December 11 from 7.30-9.30pm. Everyone is welcome, entry is free with lots of other artists on display too, with music, poetry, and song.
Then open daily from December 12-24, from 10am-5pm. There are ramps and small thresholds and a wheelchair accessible toilet.
Event: ‘Art of Norwich 46’ Enlightening the Eye’s Mind
Where: ‘Art of Norwich 46’, St Margaret’s Church of Art, St Benedict’s Street, Norwich, NR2 4AQ
When: December 12-24
Time: 10am-5pm
Cost: Free entry
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