Community News

Allsorts achieves Investing in Children Award

Graham Robson January 7, 2022

Sussex-based LGBTQ+ youth charity, Allsorts Youth Project, has announced they have achieved the Investing in Children Membership Award, which recognises and celebrates examples of imaginative and inclusive practice with children and young people.

Organisations applying for the award have to demonstrate dialogue with young people which leads to change. However, children and young people have to provide the evidence for the organisation and endorse the membership report because it is a children’s and young people’s award.

Katie, Allsorts’ CEO, said: “At Allsorts, we are all so proud to have achieved this award in acknowledgment of our youth-centred approach to working with children, young people and their families. Allsorts would not be the same without the invaluable ideas, creativity and input of the children & young people we work with.

“We are consistently inspired by their resilience and dedication to creating welcoming spaces for other LGBTQ+ young people, and are grateful for their contributions towards making Allsorts the organisation that it is!”

Allsorts Youth Project listens to, supports and connects children & young people (under 26) who are LGBT+ or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity through youth groups, one-to-one support, activities and volunteering opportunities.

Investing in Children’s evaluator of Allsorts acknowledged that: “It was clear to see during my visit and discussions with the young people that they are at the heart of everything that happens within the project.

“There are many ways they have a voice that leads to change within one-to-one support, group sessions, interviews, surveys, youth president clinics and producing resources. When I asked the young people if they felt the project should receive the Investing in Children Membership Award based on Dialogue resulting in Change, they all said 100% they definitely should.”

To find out more about Allsorts Youth Project, CLICK HERE, or support their work with a monthly donation HERE