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$100,000 to Change LGBTI Lives – Vote Now!

The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHR) need your vote!

CREDO Mobile will give them a much-needed grant this month – but your votes will determine how much they get, up to a staggering total of $100,000.

When LGBTI people are in need, the IGLHRC answers their call. Your vote, and the critical funding that it will bring them, will go a long way towards changing the lives of LGBTI people all over the world.

Funding received by the IGLHRC will be used to support LGBTI people in many ways, including:

Emergency support: When new laws violate LGBTI rights, activists are abused and must flee, or an LGBTI centre is attacked or destroyed, they respond. Just this month the IGLHRC sent thousands of dollars to Nepal’s LGBT group, the Blue Diamond Society in their time of crisis.

Representing LGBTI people at the UN: Every country has a seat at the United Nations, and yet many discriminate and persecute their own LGBTI citizens. The IGLHRC speaks up and speaks out for LGBTI people around the globe, and brings activists to the UN so they can advocate for themselves.

LGBTI training for law enforcement: Many people suffer from anti-LGBT violence – but sometimes face further discrimination by those sworn to protect them. IGLHRC staff on the ground in the Philippines train police in the metropolitan area of Quézon City, and around the country – making sure that LGBTI people receive support and fair treatment when they face harassment or violence.

Voting is only open for a short time, so take a few seconds and vote for the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission – simply check the box that says “CREDO Action Member” when you click submit, and your vote will count towards the total.

CREDO Mobile offer regular grants to not-for-profit causes. The CREDO website states: “Every month CREDO members generate donations by talking on their CREDO mobile phones, using our long distance service or making purchases with their CREDO credit cards. And every month our members get to vote to distribute those donations among three progressive nonprofits. The more votes a group receives from our members, the greater its share of the donations generated that month, for a total of 36 groups a year. To date, CREDO has donated more than $78 million to hundreds of progressive groups including Planned Parenthood, the ACLU,, Jobs with Justice, and Freedom to Marry.”

To register your vote, click here:

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