Community News

Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard: local support for LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic abuse

January 17, 2025

One in three LGBTQ+ people will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, this might be from an intimate partner or a family member, in many cases it might be both.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is a pattern of violent, threatening, coercive or controlling behaviours from a family member, partner(s) or ex-partner(s). Domestic abuse can affect people of any gender, race, sexuality, age, ethnicity or socio-economic background.

When we think about what coercive and controlling behaviours are, we might see behaviours like being stopped from seeing friends or family, being told what to wear or how to act, it might be constantly having to check in with your partner to tell them where you are or who you are talking to.

Domestic abuse can be really subtle, survivors will tell us that in the beginning of relationships ‘it was just easier not to’ do something than to deal with the sulking, swearing or violence that they might have experienced if they were to do that thing. As relationships progress, we often see survivors becoming more and more fearful of their partner and changing the way they live their day to day lives to try and reduce the risk of experiencing the abuse, but ultimately the choice and responsibility for using abusive behaviour sits solely with the abuser.

What does this mean for the LGBTQ+ community?

The LGBTQ+ community is particularly at risk of domestic abuse, and has historically struggled to access specialist, accessible and inclusive services.

There are additional types of abuse that we might see in LGBTQ+ relationships, such as threatening to out someone, making someone present in a way that doesn’t align with their gender identity, it might be that hormone treatment or clothing is destroyed to stop somebody presenting as their authentic self. We might see someone being belittled around their sexuality or gender identity.

This is why Switchboard launched a Domestic Abuse service created by the community, for the community.

What support is available?

Switchboard was created to be a point of support, empowerment and advocacy for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community who has experienced, or is experiencing, domestic violence. Switchboard recognises the historic lack of services and inclusion for trans, non-binary and intersex people to get help and support from domestic violence services.

What does Switchboard offer?

When you’re experiencing domestic abuse and navigating the aftermath, things can feel really confusing, stressful and overwhelming. We are here to help by creating a personalised support plan to get your life back on track.

We can help you with housing and accessing refuge services, financial issues and any benefits you’re entitled to, navigating the criminal justice system, and assist with mental and physical health needs. We can also refer you to get more ongoing therapeutic support, once you’re ready and in a position to do so.

For more information, or to make a self-referral CLICK HERE or contact our helpline, 01273 204050, open 7-9.30 pm Mondays to Thursdays.