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Scene from the Sofa – Five minutes with… Joe Black

Gin drinking cabaret darling, musical comedy misfit, drag clown and acid tongued ringmaster, Joe Black takes an audience firmly by the hand and guides them to a place where the strange and unusual reign supreme. Graham Robson drilled the star of cabaret noir to find out how he’s spending his time and what he’s been up to for LGBTQ+ mental health charity, MindOut. ( you can read this Gscene news article of Joe’s last impressive online fundraising gig) 

Hey Joe, tell us a bit about yourself… 

I’m Joe Black! Cabaret performer with an inclination towards the grotesque, macabre, campy and glam. Musician, comedian and accidental Glenn Close impersonator.

What have you been up to? How did your MindOut show go?

I decided as i was going to be spending so much time at home, I’d work on some stuff around the house. So I’ve been repainting furniture and learning some craft and DIY things. My gramophone even had some work done to it and now it’s a glorious red and gold monstrosity. The MindOut show was fab! I had a great time and we raised £400 for the charity, which during this time is more important than ever!

Have you seen much else online?

I have indeed! I’ve been tuning in to loads of the digital drag and cabaret shows. Every Saturday I tune into Alfie Ordinary’s Drag Brunch and do some of my house projects while watching him be a camp old bitch. Also been absolutely loving Myra Dubois’ live streams.

Any tips to keep us sane?

If you wanna be busy, absolutely go for it! Though for some people the idea of HAVING to do things maybe makes it worse. Personally I’ve loved doing my home stuff and working on future plans for work related things.

My biggest advice would be to do what makes you happy, as I suspect we may be here for quite some time…

What are your plans for when this is all over?

I’m going to snog absolutely everybody.

Any words of wisdom to keep us going?

Befriend the spiders in your house, they will be loyal friends in these trying times.


Check out Joe’s Facebook page here

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