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Scene from the Sofa – Five Minutes with… Crystal Lubrikunt

Crystal Lubrikunt, the standout Brighton-born drag performer turned international lip sync assassin storms stages left, right, and centre! From London to Scotland, Iceland to New York City, she moves her lips and shakes them hips whilst empowering people of all walks of life to be your own boss, to unleash the diva within and be true to yourself. Here she chats with Graham Robson and shares the goss of what’s HOT online, what she’ll be doing once these days are in the wing mirror, and lends some comforting words to get us through these dodgy days. 

Hey Crystal! How’s it going?

Hey lovelies! I’ve been doing alright, getting creative when I can, getting my daily dose of fresh air you know what I mean? I’ve been working on my YouTube channel a lot since lockdown so go search ‘crystal lubrikunt’ on YouTube and have a gander!

What’s the response been like? 

It’s been lush so far! I’m very lucky to have formed a loving and loyal audience over the last seven or eight years, some have been glued the whole time and many have been sucked in along the way but it’s great to create content and know that it’ll be enjoyed. In terms of income, thousands of performers have lost their entire income but PayPal is a great way to earn some tips to cover rent or a food shop and to be able to create content and get my food shop done with it each week has been super wholesome.

How does it compare with performing to a crowd? 

Nothing like a live audience in-front of you; the energy, the adrenaline, the back & forth exchange of positive & joyous vibes! The online world is thriving and keeping us all entertained at this current time but I for one can not wait to get back on a stage at a live show.

Have you seen much else online? 

So many amazing artists are seizing this moment and succeeding with it and it’s a pleasure to see. From Biqtch Puddin’ and their insanely amazing Digital Drag Show line-ups, Prinx Chiyo’s Kick Boxing Sessions, Dolly Trolley’s Drag Aerobics in collaboration with Ginger Phlappage, Harpies Live Streams, Mary Mac’s Sunday Show Stream, Luna Cortez Singing Sessions, Bar Wotever’s Cabarets, internationally there are so many live stream shows happening every day from workshops to full on productions and its incredible to witness.

Any tips to keep us busy?

Create a routine whilst eliminating time, for example; “when I wake up I shall…”, “before I have dinner”, “after breakfast I’ll”. Removing time from a routine allows it to be a lot less forced and better for your headspace. Setting yourself one goal a day helps too, no matter how big or how small that goal is. From cleaning your kitchen to going on a 10,000 step walk, reading three chapters of your book or even making a meal from scratch. Remove the illusion of success and triumph others may pressure on you and create your own rules and your own routine that makes YOU feel good.

What are your plans for when this is all over?

To make up for lost time in all honesty, I expect once normality returns for venues it’ll take them a while to get shows back, up & running so we mustn’t jump at people when it does return and give them the time to gradually bring all the shows back in motion. I look forward to thriving through live shows again whenever those opportunities may return.

What do you miss the most?

I miss going to the cinema in all honesty, it’s my ‘me time’ being within a dark room where everyone is forced to be quiet and enjoy the movie is a happy place of mine. I miss shows most of all, Performing keeps me going and is my own little therapist that allows me to exhale.

I also miss the option of meeting up with someone on Grindr, I barely do it but it’s nice to have the option you know?

Any words of wisdom to get us through?

Practice optimism & gratitude.

Be grateful for the roof above your head, the water you can drink and wash with, the fridge stocked with food, the entertainment at your finger tips and take advantage of the accessibility of communication we have with our phones, tablets and computers. Many people out there have sweet f-all.

Take care, self isolate, only go out for essentials or exercise and wash your damn hands.

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