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100 reasons to love Ryan Gosling: Joanna Benecke: Book review

gosling 1100 reasons to love Ryan Gosling by Joanna Benecke

This book from Joanna Benecke is aimed a  certain simple kind of person, one with a heart full of aching desire for this actor Mr Ryan Gosling, who (I’m reliably told by my vacuous queeny friend) is HOT, HOT, HOT, hmmmmm.  I went through all the reasons to LOVE Mr Gosling and I must say not one of them persuaded me this was a man worth hunting and down and convincing to be my boyfriend, but then I am far, far, far from the target audience for this book, which is Dearest Desperate Reader, YOU.

Yes, you celebrity obsessed lovers of fan trivia and cool pictures of film stars with dogs and fake tattoo’s (which make the Gosser look like H from Steps) , are the very reason this book was put together, I was going to say written but I don’t want to put you off buying an actual physical book.

It’s full of stuff you would already know, agree with and sigh over, and lots and lots of lovely pictures of The Gos’. With reasons such as ‘he’s not a Mormon’ or the most prosaic ‘he can do the Dirty dancing body lift’ or endearing ‘he has tiny cute little ears ‘ or the simply downright strange such as ‘plays the ukulele without being annoying’.   When I was reading it on the bus, the hipster gay guy opposite me sighed when he saw the cover…. So step away from the newest update from Syria and Peter Andres, or is Jordan and Andrew Petres and step up to some class, a nice book with lots of lovely pictures of Ryan Gosling.


I didn’t know who he was, Gosling, not the Hipster who I do know but won’t publicly embarrass by naming names, so (imagine!) no knowledge of the delights of Ryan’s career or musculature which is always a good introduction into an obsessive fan book such as this, with it’s meticulous researched text; not a single word of which comes from Wikipedia and rather good quality photo’s of which there is an endless supply ( did I mention how many lovely pictures there are , full colour, of Mr Ryan Gosling in this book).  This is a humorous attempt to show us how perfect Mr Gosling is, and he does look rather sweet in quite a few of the pictures, of which there are plenty of high quality colour ones on every page. I read – usually books without so many pictures-  thus hadn’t heard of him so had a steep learning curve but am now a fully qualified Gosling expert, feel free to test me if you see me out and about.

Watch him here on youtube at a Mormon talent show in late 1991, with his sister Mandi.

This is a book for the Gosling die hard fan, or slightly odd obsessive. It’s also a stalkers handbook or the kind of thing you can give to your celebrity obsessed friend who spends lot of money of his/her hair and feel like you’ve added value to their life. The author Joanna Benecke has given us a quality fan book filled with pictures of Mr Gosling and some tit bits about his life, it’s a light hearted love letter to this admittedly cute young man and am sure it would give a few moments warmth to lots of lonely folk out there who go to bed crying into their Ryan shaped pillows.

Just remember folks that an actor is an insecure person who pretends to be someone else and lies for a living while desperately seeking affirmation to boost their self confidence, even a cute one like Ryan and objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

Out now £12.99

Yes, £12.99

For more information or to buy the book see online book shops here:

And now I am going to watch the Notebook over and over again until I get it, or cry, or both.

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